Our Programs
Need Help? Are you a survivor, agency, or advocate looking to help refer a survivor to our long-term residential program? Fill out the form below if you or someone you know needs a safe house placement.
- For immediate support, contact the Samaritan Village team at (407) 205-8976.
- If you suspect human trafficking or this is a human trafficking tip, please call 1-888-373-7888 or text “HELP” or “INFO” to BEFREE (233733)
- Visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline website: humantraffickinghotline.org/en
What We Do
Samaritan Village offers a unique continuum of care model through our Multi-Tier Transitional Safehouse Program, Safe Harbor Community Program, and SOAR Program. Survivors receive varying levels of care and supervision as they move through the program. With the goal to walk with survivors for 3-5 years, our program focuses on the deep healing and restoration of each survivor.

“The Ellen Arnold Safe Home”
12-18 months
6 beds
24 / 7 / 365 support


“The Well”
12-24 months
6 beds
Transitional Care


12 months
3 beds
Independent Living


The purpose of the SOAR program is for women to move to the next phase of their healing process by building community and support with like-minded women.

Group Therapies
Case Management
Vocational Training
Educational Support

Nutritional Education
Exercise Programs
Addiction Recovery
Dental Care

Mentorship Programs
Biblical Tools
Faith Based Resources
Spiritual Wellness Retreats